maandag 9 december 2013

6 Light wind kites tested

Revival of the big sizes. Big sized kites are back in the air. There has been a great development in the light wind section. So we asked manufactures to sent us their light wind weapons. 
If we test we find out which key points (characteristics) makes a certain model unique.
Every tested kite is added to overall kitefinder search engine. 
If you like to add your experience just add a review to

The following kites where sent to us!

How did we test?

  • 2 days of wind between 7 - 16 knots, 
  • In flat water conditions
  • 5 test riders of different levels & disciplines. 
  • Test form with all the 24 characteristics.
  • Find out the key points (characteristics) that define a kite
  • Every tested kite is added to overall kitefinder search engine
  • We only tested the kites that where available at that moment. More tests coming up! 
  • Comments? Please add your kite experience to Sharing information generates a better overview.

Important characteristics for light wind kites

  • stability in light wind
  • low-end 
  • relaunch - 10 knots
  • wind range
  • high-end
  • steering reaction
  • up wind with 8 knots

Not good or bad.

We believe in the combination of flying characteristics.

What are your 3 most important light wind characteristics?

See how well they perform in our test!
For all 24 characteristics go to KiteFinder.  


KiteFinder ranking by Characteristics

Please understand that this ranking is about the best performance in 1 specific characteristic.
The personal best kite is always a combination of different characteristics.
There are more light wind kites than we tested, but not available on that moment.
More light wind kite info? Please go to and choose light wind kites for all models!

First one on the water
1. Flysurfer speed3 21m 2013
2. Slingshot Turbine 17m 2013
3. Airush Lithium Zero 18m 2013

Best Stability
1. Flysurfer speed3 21m 2013
2. Slingshot Turbine 17m 2013
3. Ozone Zephyr 17m 2013 & Airush Lithium Zero 18m 2013

Greatest Relaunch in - 10 knots
1. North Dyno 15m 2014
2. Flysurfer speed3 21m 2013 
3. Ozone Edge 13m 2013

Widest Wind range
1. North Dyno 15m 2014
2. Ozone Edge 13m 2013
3. Slingshot Turbine 17m 2013

Greatest High end performance
1. North Dyno 15m 2014
2. Ozone Edge 13m 2013
3. Ozone Zephyr 17m 2013

Fastest Steering reaction
1. Airush Lithium Zero 18m 2013
2. Slingshot Turbine 17m 2013
3. North Dyno 15m 2014

Best Up wind in 8 knots
1. Flysurfer speed3 21m 2013
2. Slingshot Turbine 17m 2013
3. North Dyno 15m 2014

If you have any comments or feedback please add your product experience to
If you like to contact us please mail to

Choosing a kite depends on your weight, level and riding style.
Know your most important kite characteristics and it will be easier to make the right kite choice. 
To be sure, test before buying!

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