maandag 15 februari 2016

Brand & most popular kite serie

Next couple of weeks we'll share some of our data! This week!
Most popular Brands and their kite series

Next week, the most popular kite series overall


Popular kite serie every Brand

North North Evo 2015
Cabrinha Cabrinha Switchblade 2015
Naish Naish Park 2015
Ozone Ozone Chrono 2015
Slingshot Slingshot Z 2014
Best Best TS 2015
Core Core GTS 3
Airush Airush DNA 2014
Liquid Force Liquid Force Envy 2012
F-one F-one 7
Flysurfer Flysurfer Speed4 Lotus
Blade Blade Trigger 2015
RRD RRD Passion 2011
Peter Lynn Peter Lynn Escape 2015
Ocean Rodeo Ocean Rodeo Flite 2014
Gaastra Gaastra Jekyll 2012
Wainman Waiman Hawaii 12m Boss
CrazyFly CrazyFly Sculp 2013
Nobile NobileT5 2015
BWSurf BWSurf Noise Pro 2014
Takoon Takoon Furia 2014
Gin Gin Cannibal 2014
Flexifoil Flexifoil Proton 2012
HQ HQ Matrixx 2012
Switch Switch Nitro4 2015
Watch the list of the most viewed kitebrands in 2015
Watch the list of the most viewed kitebrands & series in 2014

Most viewed kite brands 2015

Next couple of weeks we'll share some of our data! This week!
The most viewed kitebrands in 2015

Next week, the most viewed kite series every brand
zout photograpyPhoto: Zout

Most viewed kitebrands in 2015

Top 25 kitebrands 2015

Test new Flysurfer Peak2

The new Flysurfer Peak2 is a great new product for kids to learn and better their kite skills
Flyboarding on Schiermonnikoog with the Flysurfer Peak2 6m
The Flysurfer Peak 2 is a single skin depower land kite, a new toy for children to learn kite flying and be mobile.
What makes this kite so different than other land kites?
  1.     single skin, so very light
  2.     usable in a light breeze
  3.     easy solo start & landing
  4.     power & speed can be easilly controlled with its great sheet & go power
  5.     lack of lift makes this kite safer to control
  6.     same 4 line power & depower kitefeel as kitesurfing kites
Here are a few video examples why this kite is so great for kids!
The stability, kite feel and depower make it a great 'light wind' playing tool for kids

More info, reviews and price overview about the Flysurfer Peak2

FX vs Cabrinha Switchblade 2015.

Head to head 10 points KF test battle.
The old dominator vs the crazy new rookie.
Lady’s and gentlemen, let’s start an air fight!
  1. The Switchblade is made for one all-round public. The FX is made for unhooked freestyle and big air performance. The designers achieved to make 2 riding styles in one kite.
    First point for FX
  2. On all freestyle characteristics the FX excels
    No points! Fx is made for freestyle
  3. Beginners and intermediate cruisers will love the softness, trustfulness of the Switchbade. Big audience!
    First point Switchblade
  4. The Switchblade had many years of fine-tuning, is a stable character, feels the same in all wind conditions
    Point switchblade
  5. The gradual power of the Switchblade vs the more explosive power of the FX
    You decide how you like to ride, no points
  6. The big surprise was the gliding phase. Switchblade was the winner in the low & mid -end wind range, but in the high end the FX had the longest hang time of both kites.
    Point Switchblade for the allround capacity. Point FX for the highest jump performance
  7. On most wave characteristics the FX wins from the Switchblade, next to big air and freestyle a extra FX all-round capacity point
    FX point
  8. The Switchblade is easy to love, the FX is a playful performer with many sessions to explore
    Riding style doesn’t count for points, you decide!
  9. High popularity rate FX
    Point Switchblade, don't follow the mass, follow your kitefeel
  10. Easy going? Think about the Switchblade. Playful exploration? Choose the FX
share your kite surfing product experiences See both KiteFinder reviews
Cabrinha FX
Cabrinha Switchblade 2015

What do you think about the new Cabrinha kites? Please share your product experiences

Gear sniffers

"It has to feel right"
Ruben Versluis started the first Kite & SUP school in Zanzibar with his brother. Since 2004 kite instructor and the last few years product researcher at Brunotti boards. His passion? Strapless riding and BMX (flatland). A real gear freak in motion.
His quest? "It has to feel right" Surrounding, Skills & Equipment are complementary.
Enjoy your search!
Rubens blog post about 7 'basic' gear tips to make strapless riding easier
  1. 7 gear tips for strapless kite surfingGo for board stability. Start with a board thats wider than 19" and 5'2 - 6'0 length for example:
    Brunotti Brutus
  2. Tropical base coat from sexwax is the best total wax.
  3. Wax your board thorough or use pads for grip & absorption
  4. Light weight riders can ride with smaller vins, heavy riders lengthen your vins
  5. Longer lines  (23/24m) with less wind keeps your kite small and responsive. More wind, smaller lines (19/20m)
  6. Best wave characteristics? Search for drift, feedback & good kite steering with slacked lines
  7. Bar pressure is your balance so don't start with a small kite
Some other strapless video's you like to watch: