dinsdag 26 april 2016

Why Hydrofoiling with a kite?

Cheers mate! Hi, ... why should I start Hydrofoiling?

Hydrofoiling with a kite. Why, give me 5 good reasons!

Yes, I know it's a hurdle! You have to buy new gear and learn new skills. Why should you leave the trustful state of in the know? Well the WHY is pretty simple and basic.
Just .. more .. kite  .. fun!

Here are 5 reasons why you should pick up the art of kite flying!
  1. best light wind performance
  2. best up wind capacity
  3. best performance in gusty wind conditions
  4. best lightwind pop for jumping
  5. time to discover new skills & locations
Yes, it will cost you, but it will save you a bigger kite and Hydrofoil prices are dropping every season.
Yes, probably you have to get a few lessons, but foiling will give you more water time & lots of new friends.
Check out this movie it will open your eyes to new possibilities.



Go to shop.kitefinder.com/search/foil for all hydrofoil prices